Nigaroo Kashmiri Song by Zohaib Zaman Director Sardar Hammad | Pakistan Foreign Ministry 1st Song
Nigaroo Visuals consist of two Parts. Initially, It presents the story of two youngsters living across LOC who want to meet, but they are helpless due to the current tough situation of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. In the end part, renowned artist & Chairman of Youth Parliament Abrar Ul Haq has included an Urdu poem to give hope to the people of Kashmir that one day this oppression and barbarism will end and there will be peace and Justice. This Song will represent the feeling of love that represents among the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The Soft Cultural Image among the people Of Kashmir needs to be highlighted, and within the Lyrics, this aspect is made clear.
Kashmir like many disputes in the world is looking for peace…………..Nigaroo is our motivation to highlight the distances that exist between both the sides of Kashmir .
. Running away from reality we tend to ignore the balance of nature…..we close our eyes to the fact that Kashmir is like any other part of the world ,,,beautiful and precious.
Humanity is beyond borders and shooting for Nigaroo has made our hearts feel sad and helpless
. To see the rivers dividing the emotions of the people we felt as if we could fly to the other side , we felt as if the civilised world could see the slavery, -torture and brutality faced by Kashmir for almost 73 years and rising every-day……………Imagine you are locked in a cage—- and each generation ————————has to see the same faces of death————- , suffering ———and hopelessness.
Standing on the bridge——————— we felt that the scene we were trying to shoot ————————-was nothing to cover the reality ———————that exists in both sides of Kashmir……The acts————— , words———————— and emotions performed for Nigaroo——————— are an apology and mourning————— for our Kashmiri brothers and sisters———— for their courage,————— faith ———————and determination…
During our trip —the areas we covered ……..are next to Srinagar ——————pulwama —-rajori of the disputed Jammu & Kashmir.
Nigaro chyean husnan
Karin devaneh keathyah.
Oh my beloved( kashmir) ur beauty has made me crazy
Gameet Che ashaq falwah,
Banith mastaane keathyah
Ur lovers have become mad at u
Oh my beloved you are in a carpet of flowers
Be karhaye nazneeno
Chu naazan poshe wathrun -2
Wanaye Kya boaz jigras
myea chim armaan keathyah
My wishes are so many for u but i had kept them secret
Ur eyes are full of magic and they have made me mad in your love
Yeman maqbool chashman
Wichit madhosh gatchnaah -2
Kareeth woraan shahran
Yemov maikhaane keathyah
Your beauty had made whole city suprised
i had written pages of appreciation on you without even thinking.