My Portfolio

Sustainable Tourism | Meet the Guardians of Naxos Island, Greece

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Sustainable Tourism:

The sustainable tourism game project is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to promote eco-friendly tourism practices in Greece πŸ‡¬πŸ‡· , while fostering collaboration between Greece πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·Β  and German university πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Hochschule Darmstadt . This long-term project brings together the expertise and resources of both countries to create an immersive gaming experience centered around sustainable travel and exploration of Greece’s natural beauty. Players will embark on virtual journeys across Greece, encountering various challenges and opportunities to make sustainable choices, such as reducing carbon footprint, supporting local communities, and preserving cultural heritage. Through interactive gameplay, educational content, and real-life case studies, the game will inspire players to adopt sustainable behaviors both in the virtual world and in their future travels.

Erasmus Scholarship Initiative:

collaborate with three universities, through the Erasmus scholarship. Led by h_da guidance we embark on a one-of-a-kind cultural encounter.

Revolutionizing Sustainable Tourism: The Guardians of Naxos Game | Part 1

This is part 1 of our concept trailer for The Guardians of Naxos Game. After one year of research and with the support of Naxian communities, we honed in on a solution that we believe has the potential of bootstrapping and supporting sustainable tourism on Naxos and the Cyclades. Combining Augmented Reality, AI-supported conversational agents and Blockchain technologies, our media architecture drives micro donations through a location-based game, generating new capital for protective measures and sustainable tourism initiatives.

This is part 2 of our concept trailer for The Guardians of Naxos Game. After one year of research and with the support of Naxian communities, we honed in on a solution that we believe has the potential of bootstrapping and supporting sustainable tourism on Naxos and the Cyclades. Combining Augmented Reality, AI-supported conversational agents and Blockchain technologies, our media architecture drives micro donations through a location-based game, generating new capital for protective measures and sustainable tourism initiatives.


Dafni Gale – as herself Celia Gale – as herself Irini Kokiou – as herself Parizad Hosseini – Ancestor Kostas Kostadis Chouzouris – Loumbas Vassilis Avlevis – Giorgos Sahel Minaei – Loumbas’ Wife and Stella Katsouli – Ariadne

In further roles

Kristina Mitskevich – Guardian Olga Kolesnyk – Guardian Media Shokrani – Naiad Helena Adel Malty – Naiad Arslan Rana – Young Barozzi Ajit Pandey – Young Barozzi Argyro Ananadiou – Visitor Hassan Ali Shaikh – Visitor Chanda Gauranga – Shadow Ancestor Kiara Papadaki – Ancestor Chrysanthi Tsalafouta – Ancestor Anastasia Tsaropoulou – Ancestor

Special Guests

Anna-Maria Kefala – Maenad Eleni Manola – Maenad Stella Petropoulou – Maenad Maria Toupi – Maenad

Choreography Maria Toupi

Directed by:

Kristina Mitskevich & Georg Struck

Written by

Georg Struck

Voiceover English

Yalda Jalilvand

Voiceover Greek

Artemis Pittaras

Based on ideas of all project participants


Olga Kolesnyk

2nd unit directors

Diana Rivas Adriana Delgado Diego Arandia Sean Gossler Parizad Hosseini Ajit Pandey Yu Chen

Production Coordinator

Chanda Gauranga

Directors of Photography

Sardar Hammad , Sean Gossler

Camera Assistants

Hafeez Ullah Baig Syed Raza Abbas Rizvi Arslan Ashraf Rana


Diego Arandia Matthias Hassel

Costume Design

Helena Adel Malty


Helena Adel Malty


Matthias Hassel Hassan Shaikh

Set Construction

Gianis Agelakis

Edited by

Sardar Hammad and Georg Struck

Motion Graphics

Yalda Jalilvand

Visual Effects

Yalda Jalilvand Media Shokrani Sahel Minaei


Matthias Hassel


Matthias Hassel Hassan Shaikh

Historical Consultant

Astrid Scharlau

Academic Direction

Prof. Dr. Nikos Leandros Dr. Panagiotis Kapos Prof. Dr. Ferah Onat Prof. Georg Struck

Academic Advisers

Prof. Sven Poguntke Prof. Thorsten Greiner Artemis Pittaras

Thank-you to our generous supporters

Vagelis Katsaras, Vice Mayor for Tourism Giannis Andreou, Ministery of Culture George Assonitis, Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce Dimitris Kapounis, Naxos Agricultural Cooperative Vasilis Krassas, Livestock Union of Filoti John Chatzichristos, Whitesteps Technologies SA Stampa Graphic Design Giorgos Babounis, Babouni cheese factory Yiota Margariti, Naxos Trekking Stella Korre, Naxos Walking Tour Maria Sofikitou, Diazoma Tassos Anastassiou Christos & Stefanos Manios Nikolas Moustakis Antonis Pothitos Artemis Pittaras Gianis Agelakis Antonia Latsou Nikola Avlevis Mario Vazeos Dirk SchΓΆnrock Astrid Scharlau Richard & Lisa Mann

Very special thanks to

Nikos Vasilakis Former Mayor of Filoti Sofia Gagani Municipality of Naxos Kostas Kostadis Chouzouris Little Farm Naxos Stefanos Spanos Realbike Naxos Sophia & Yannis Vasilas Taverna Axiotissa Gianis & Sophia Orfanos Naxos Wildlife Protection Maria Gika & Stella Chouzuris Naxos Animal Welfare Society

VERY VERY special thanks to

Andreas Xenakis Guardians of Naxos HQ Vagelis Karamanis Taverna & Hotel Paradiso Celia & Dafni Gale you were incredible!

Behind the Scenes: